Crowd-funding is by definition, “the practice of funding a project or venture by raising many small amounts of money from a large number of people, typically via the Internet”.
Until recently financing a business, project or venture involved asking a few people for large sums of money. Crowd-funding switches this idea around, using the internet to talk to thousands – if not millions – of potential funders.
There are numerous crowdfunding platforms where consumers safely ask for or donate money such as Kickstarter, Indiegogo and RocketHub.
Typically, those seeking funds will set up a profile of their project on the website.
They can then use social media, alongside traditional networks of friends, family and work acquaintances, to raise money.
DrinkingWater.SOLUTIONS works the same way except with a personalized touch.
Our sole purpose is to Crowd-fund Pure and Secure Drinking Water Solutions, using Steam Distilled Drinking Water systems.
Upon your request we will customize a campaign and guide you through the entire process from conception to completion.